Everything You Need to Know About Paternity DNA Testing in Nigeria

In a moment of paternity doubt, seeking answers can be a means of embracing peace of mind. As a father, being unsure of the paternity of your children can be an emotionally draining experience, leaving you worried and probably fearful. A paternity DNA test doesn’t just provide clarity in situations like this, it helps you and your family have the peace of mind you deserve. 

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about doing a Paternity DNA test in Nigeria. 

Understanding Paternity DNA test

Every living organism and cell of the body contains DNA. The DNA in the body is inherited, meaning it is passed down from parents to children. Usually, half of a person’s DNA comes from the mother and the other half from the father. Therefore, to confirm biological relationship between father and child, samples are taken from both parties and analyzed in the laboratory to identify similar genetic markers in their DNA. If both parties share similar genetic materials, it means they are biologically related.

How is Paternity confirmed?

The laboratory conducts a set of tests known as DNA sequencing. 

  • DNA is extracted from each participant’s cell, and then amplified to make the sample more workable
  • Genetic markers for each participant are analyzed and compared
  • A geneticist uses this data and a calculation to determine the probability that the tested man is the biological father of the child tested.

Why do people do Paternity DNA Tests?

There are several reasons for conducting a paternity DNA test. The rising number of online headlines about paternity fraud has led to an increase in the popularity of paternity testing in Nigeria. It is hardly shocking that more and more men are publicly endorsing DNA testing as a way to establish their children’s paternity. However, aside from stories of paternity frauds, there are several other reasons why it might be important to establish paternity;

  • To resolve paternity doubt and reclaim peace of mind
  • To gain legal rights to child support or child custody
  • To settle family related legal matters like inheritance dispute
  • To establish biological relationship for immigration purposes
  • To prevent future dispute as regard parental rights

What samples are needed for a Paternity DNA test? 

Although there are a number of ways to collect DNA samples from people, cheek swabs and blood samples are the most widely used.

Cheek swab– This involves the use of a swab (plastic or wooden stick with cotton) to rub inside the cheek for tissue samples. The process is simple, fast and completely painless. 

Blood sample– This involves using a blood sample which is drawn by a phlebotomist, (a professional trained to draw blood). 

Other sample collection methods may include nail clippings, and toothbrushes.

Step-by-step overview of a Paternity DNA testing process

For many people, deciding to take a paternity test is an important step in resolving issues about their children’s paternity and establishing legal rights. Whether you are looking to do a Paternity DNA test for legal reasons or personal peace of mind, here is a step-by-step guide. 

Find a DNA test center– The first step to doing a DNA test in Nigeria is to find a DNA test center.  It is critical that you pick a reputable and accredited test center that is internationally recognized and adheres to protocols for performing DNA testing.

Speak with a representative– After carefully selecting a center, you may want to speak with a representative from the center. This will provide you with a better understanding of the various types of DNA testing services available, as well as their applications, procedures, and costs. 

Book an appointment– If you have spoken with a representative from the center, you can proceed to book an appointment for sample collection which can be done on-site (within the physical location of the DNA test center) or from the comfort of your home with the test kits. Some test centers also provide the home service options where a staff member comes to take the sample at your preferred location. Carefully consider which of the sample collection options works best for you. 

Sample collection–  Take your samples following the guidelines for collecting and storing the samples. After collection, the samples are taken to the laboratory, where the DNA is extracted from the cells, amplified and analyzed.

Get your result– Upon completion of the test from the laboratory, the result will be sent to you via the email address you provided. This usually takes a period of 3-7 days, depending on the center. 

Requirements for a Paternity DNA Test

DNA Samples– The first and most important requirement for a Paternity DNA test is the DNA sample which can be collected with a cheek swab or blood. In DNA testing, both sample collection techniques are effective and one is not more accurate than the other.  Although, the cheek swab is mostly used due to its ease of use and affordability. 

Testing kit– Depending on the situation, paternity testing may be done at a DNA test center or at home. Either ways, a testing kit will be used to take samples from the participants.  The testing kit can be bought or provided by the DNA test center. This kit will contain instructions for collecting and storing the sample, as well as a pre-addressed envelope to return the sample to the lab.

Consent– Proper consent is an essential requirement for a Paternity DNA test. All participants whose DNA sample will be used must give consent. For children under the age of 18, their legal guardian must provide consent.

Documentation– Basic information will also be collected such as the name of the participants. Additional documents such as identification card, birth certificate and passport photographs could also be requested. 

Payment– The cost varies from testing centers and number of participants

Is a Paternity DNA test always correct?

Yes, a paternity DNA test is 99% correct. Although the testing method is highly accurate, there is the possibility of human mistake from the laboratory or sample contamination. This is why it is important to duly follow instructions when collecting samples for the test and to pick an accredited DNA test center to be rest assured of a reliable result.

Can I do a Paternity DNA test at Home?

With advancements in bio-technology, you can now take your samples from the comfort of your home. This is what is known as the Home DNA Test. However, while samples can be taken from the comfort of the home, they must undergo analysis in an accredited laboratory in order to get a result. 

Here is how it works: 

  • Contact a DNA test center
  • Enquire about their pricing and other questions
  • Select the home test option, The home test sample kit will be delivered to your location. 
  • Take your samples and send it back to the DNA test center
  • Wait for your result

How much is a Paternity DNA test in Nigeria?

The pricing is determined by factors such as test type, sample collection method, and the number of individuals tested. In cases where participants opt for the home test or home service option , prices might slightly vary. . 

How long does a Paternity DNA Test result take?

The result is available within a few days after samples are collected. 

How to interpret Paternity DNA test result

If there is a father-child relationship between the tested participants, the result would indicate ‘99% paternity probability’. If there is no biological relationship between them, the result would indicate ‘paternity excluded’. 

In cases where the result indicates ‘inconclusive’, it means no answer can be reached on whether or not the tested man is the biological father of the child. This could be as a result of sample contamination. 

Where can I do a Paternity DNA test in Nigeria?

Smart DNA offers fully accredited DNA testing service to clients in accordance with the highest international standards. We have a team of fully trained individuals to ensure that we make the procedure as seamless as possible. We guarantee you accuracy and confidentiality all through the process. For more information about our services, speak to our care experts on +234 802 984 0246 or click here